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Stand up. Stand out. Read.

Updated: Feb 26, 2021

Let me tell you the story behind this photo, which was taken at the last institution where I worked. We were promoting reading to our students so everyone agreed to bring a book for the photo shoot. I chose from my reading library “Doing Business by the Good Book” by David Steward. This is a great read for anyone who’s who is leading a team in the workplace or for someone who is starting a business. After the photos were taken, they would have the word READ at the bottom and were displayed on the main hall of the building.

Fast forward to reading photo shoot day.

As I approached the photo shoot, I noticed each person would sit in the red Georgia Bulldogs rocking chair, hold open a book, and smile for the camera. That was not my style. So, I said to the photographer, “I don’t want to sit in the rocking chair. I want to stand.” He concurred. So, I stood behind the chair and held my book so that everyone could see the title of the book. I wanted the students to know what book I was reading. This was around the time I started my own business so I was reading books written by successful entrepreneurs.

What I didn’t know was that the reading committee decided to place a word on every photo that described the teacher. When they saw my photo, they laughed and said, “Leadership”. Nobody but Dr. Daigre would deviate from the norm. She’s definitely a leader. When I left the organization, I asked the administrator for the photo, which was not framed at the time, and he agreed to let me take my photo.

Don’t be afraid to stand out. No one told the teachers to sit in the rocking chair. They did what felt natural for them. I, on the contrary, did what was natural for me. Stand up. Stand out. Read.

Reading is one of my favorite activities. I literally have books in every room of the house, including all types of bibles, concordances, leadership, management, personal development, and self-help books. I’m not into fiction or romance books. That’s just not my thing.

I also have a library where you can sit quietly to read or listen to a book on while sipping a cup of coffee or tea. In addition to books, I enjoy reading articles from the Harvard Business Review.

Here’s a list of books that I have enjoyed reading.

1. How to Work With and Lead People Not Like You by Kelly McDonald

2. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

3. Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…And Others Don’t by Jim Collins

4. Accelerated Learning Techniques: The Express Track to Super Intelligence by Brian Tracy, Colin Rose

5. The Book of Signs by David Jeremiah

So, what are you reading?


Dr. Regina Daigre, CEO, Visionary, Speaker, Believer

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